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how to use a garden hoe

 how to use a garden hoe 

  What is a garden hoe?

  A hoe is a hand tool commonly used in agriculture and gardening, mainly for plowing, weeding and loosening the soil around plants.      A hoe usually consists of a handle and a flat steel blade.

  Every gardener has a special need for a hoe, especially in the spring when weeds start to sprout. A garden hoe is a handy tool for        controlling weeds and keeping  the garden soil healthy. A garden hoe is very valuable to the gardener. Using a garden hoe correctly will  make gardening more efficient and enjoyable.

1.Use at the right timehow to use a garden hoe

No matter what we intend to do, outdoor conditions will have an impact on us.

If we are using a hoeing method that gently cuts the grass at the surface of the soil and lets their roots die, there is no better time than when the soil is dry. This is because this dry dust will prevent weed seeds from germinating.

When deeply rooted weeds want to dig out, between the two, we should choose moist soil.

2. Keep your tools sharp

Sharp tools can make your job easier and the experience will feel much different. Clean the blade after each use of the garden hoe and sharpen him if necessary. Sharpening a garden hoe is very easy and nice to do compared to sharpening a saw or shears. Keep it indoors to prolong its life.

3. Maintain an upright position

When using a garden hoe, the end of the handle should be near your belly button. Hold the end of the hoe in an upright position for use. The less you bend during the labor, the better your back will feel.

how to use a garden hoe

4.Wear garden gloves

Using gardening tools with handles (such as shovels, rakes and hoes) without gloves can cause blisters or scratches on our hands. This is because we are always performing a lot of repetitive movements when using these garden tools, rubbing all the time. Wearing garden gloves is the best option. Garden gloves not only prevent friction, but also prevent our hands from being exposed to sunlight and microorganisms.

5.Switch sides frequently

Switching sides frequently when doing garden work will allow us to use both sides of our body more evenly and avoid injuries on one side of our body. 

If we are used to using only one side, then switching hands is a challenge for us.

Whether we are using a garden hoe, shovel or pruning shears, these methods can help us use our garden tools better.

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